IREPSO Strona główna

Vote on an important resolution for young people as early as Wednesday in the European Parliament

This Wednesday, during a plenary session in Strasbourg, the European Parliament will vote on a resolution dedicated to youth empowerment, employment and social reconstruction in Europe after the pandemic [2021/2952(RSP)]. The resolution, which MEPs will vote on Wednesday, touches on a number of issues of importance from the perspective of the younger generation. These include free internships, mental health, support for young people's access to housing and countering exclusion, among others. Th ...

2022-12-28T10:45:36+01:0014 February 2022|

Nearly half of young lawyers intend to leave the profession. IBA report.

Studying law is currently one of the most popular majors chosen by high school graduates in Poland. Taking into account the image of a lawyer appearing in pop culture, as well as the stereotype functioning in Polish society, we can get the impression that being a lawyer is synonymous with a successful person - a person working in a modern law firm in a big city, dealing only with interesting cases, achieving professional success alone, at the same time earning a great salary and always perfectl ...

2023-02-02T15:39:40+01:0013 February 2022|

Pandemic of grief and sense of loss among youth in Covid-19 era

The essence of mourning and its different varieties and possible consequences The state of template mourning consists of a kaleidoscope of feelings and sensations such as grief, sadness, a sense of loss, emptiness and pain. Typically, mourning occurs as a consequence of the death of a loved one - a family member or friend. It is a condition that occurs not only in humans, but also in other social animals - those that have a limbic system in the brain responsible for emotional reactions1. For hu ...

2023-02-02T15:36:34+01:003 January 2022|

A recording of the Dialogue of the New Generation final report presentation is now available on YouTube!

This publication crowns the Dialogue of the New Generation, the flagship project of the Institute for the Development of Legal Education and Civil Society in 2021. However, this does not mean that our work in the areas of justice, climate and environment, and public participation ends. On the contrary. The information and conclusions we were able to gather through the Dialogue of the New Generation have outlined the direction of our work for the coming years. Indeed, the conclusions of our resea ...

2023-02-04T14:44:58+01:0030 December 2021|

Analysis: the UN and sustainable development – the role of young people.

We place in your hands a study entitled The UN and Sustainable Development - the role of young people. The report presents information on Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals adopted within its framework, as well as the role of young people in their implementation. The issue of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Poland and around the world has also been addressed. This report also includes examples of activities carried out by young people to implement Agend ...

2023-02-02T15:30:02+01:0026 December 2021|
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