The project “Youth Interventions. Comprehensive Youth Legal Awareness Program” was implemented with the support of the PGE Foundation and ran between October 2022 and March 2023. This publication brings together the quintessential of the counseling activities implemented as part of the Intervention… For six months, the IREPSO team provided free legal advice to representatives of foundations, associations, informal groups, youth councils or student or pupil governments. Within the framework of counseling, our experts faced various topics related to youth social participation. However, all questions and requests for help were dominated by two areas – institutional issues related to the establishment of NGOs (foundations or associations) and issues related to the functioning of the youth councils of municipalities, counties and provinces.
This publication provides some Q&A on topics related to local youth policy. Very often, young people active in a local youth council are unaware of their powers and responsibilities, and in the absence of adequate support from decision-makers are unable to face institutional problems on their own.
Moreover, the current legislation, despite its apparent lack of complexity, is also not helpful in analyzing specific problems and possible solutions to undesirable states of affairs. The following collection of cases is therefore implicitly intended by the Institute to be a certain compendium of the most important information as to the most common questions asked by youth councilors and council supervisors. The thirteen cases are divided in an accessible way into three parts – the facts, the questions and IREPSO’s response. The answers include the legal basis for our reasoning and possible additional information, that will allow you to deepen your knowledge of the topic.
The main initiator and implementer of the Youth Interventions… project was the Institute for the Development of Legal Education and Civil Society. The basis of the Institute’s activities is to work for the development of legal education and civil society in Poland through cooperation with experts in legal education, public participation and youth policies. The Institute conducts monitoring of legislation and activities of government bodies in the field of youth policy. It conducts public consultations and also focuses on promoting good solutions for the benefit of young people. We are putting at your disposal a text that we believe will greatly facilitate the realization of the goals indicated above.
The publication is available at the link: Youth Interventions. Case study