Today at 12:00 pm at the Presidential Palace, Polish President Andrzej Duda appointed the Council for Youth Affairs. This is the first ever consultative and advisory body to the President of the Republic of Poland. The official appointment of the Council’s members was followed by an inaugural meeting titled “Youth to the Challenges of the Future.”
– There are more than 4 million young people between the ages of 15 and 24 in Poland, and this is a powerful part of our society, quite a lot more than 10 percent. What development opportunities the young have and how the state treats them is of fundamental importance for what Poland will be like in the future, the President said.
The Council included representatives of local youth councils, student organizations and climate organizations. IREPSO youth policy advisor Piotr Drzewiecki was also included.
- Bogna Janke Secretary of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland
- Łukasz Rzepecki Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland
- Marcin Drewa Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland
- Błażej Spychalski Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland
- Aleksandra Borzęcka Youth Council of Lublin, local government organization
- Patryk Czech President – Catholic Youth Association, Catholic organization
- Kinga Dróżdż Integration Sports Club, organization of people with disabilities
- Piotr Drzewiecki Institute for the Development of Legal Education and Civil Society, legal organization
- Adam Dziedzic President of the Board – United Nations Association Poland, international affairs organization.
- Nicole Geryk International Association of Sudents of Medicine IFMSA, medical organization
- Mateusz Grochowski President – Parliament of Students of the Republic of Poland, student organization
- Konrad Gwóźdź Ludowe Zespoły Sportowe, sports/agricultural organization
- Maja Jeśmanowicz Union of Large Families “Young on Plus”, social organization
- Aleksandra Klimek Young People’s Section of NSZZ Solidarity 80, trade union organization
- Alicja Książek Chairperson – Independent Students’ Union, student organization
- Aleksandra Kulik Sempre a Frente Foundation, psychological and psychiatric health support organization
- Sylwia Łyskawka Chairperson – Youth Climate Council, climate organization
- Adam Nowak Chairman – Union of Rural Youth, agricultural organization
- Alina Prochasek Chairperson – Polish Council of Youth Organizations, the largest youth organization
- Martyna Rutkowska Union of Scouts of the Republic of Poland, scout organization
- Piotr Rydzewski President – Foundation for Youth Initiatives, a student organization
- Artur Słomka Academic Sports Association, sports organization
- Maciej Tyczyński Chairman – Youth Section of the Solidarity Trade Union, trade union organization
- Karol Urbaniak Youth Ecological Council, climate organization
We congratulate all those appointed to the Council and wish them good luck in their functions!
Photo: Marek Borawski/KPRP