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We invite organizations and youth councils to participate in the Project!

Help us research youth opinion! The New Generation Dialogue aims to develop recommendations for our country's authorities in three key areas. To ensure the representativeness and nationwide nature of the project, we are inviting the Youth Councils of municipalities, counties and provincial assemblies as well as youth organizations to participate. This year we plan to conduct 3,000 surveys among young people aged 15 to 25. The surveys will refer to three thematic blocks, i.e. young for justice, ...

2023-02-01T21:54:56+01:0013 April 2021|

Dialogue of the New Generation presence in social media

Watch our social media activities! The goal of the Dialogue of the New Generation is to reach the widest possible group of people, so we couldn't miss out on social media. We invite you to observe our profiles. To stay up to date with all the events we organize join the group: ...

2023-02-04T14:14:17+01:0031 March 2021|

What does our work consist of?

What does our work consist of? The New Generation Dialogue is a project involving a survey of young people's opinions, combined with social activism, that will produce a research report with 30 recommendations for those in power in the following sectors: justice, ecology, climate and environment, public participation. We plan to conduct 3,000 surveys among young people between the ages of 15 and 25 by December 2021. The surveys will refer to three thematic blocks, i.e. young for justice, young ...

2023-02-01T21:36:12+01:0030 March 2021|

Ambassador program

Ambassador program As part of the Dialogue of the New Generation, we will train 16 Ambassadors from across Poland. Participants in the ambassador program will take part in a series of specially prepared meetings aimed at improving leadership and soft skills. The Ambassadors will take part in training sessions on the topics of surveys, dialogue with KOLs or public speaking led by prominent experts. Dialogue of the New Generation' Ambassadors will be tasked with informing local NGOs, educational i ...

2023-02-04T14:12:11+01:0029 March 2021|

The Idea of Dialogue

Dialogur of the New Generation is an initiative to allow the development of a national unified strategy towards youth, taking into account the voice of young citizens. In order to do this, it turns out to be necessary to develop a working methodology and to identify a few of the most relevant issues for the development of the state, in which the Polish government plans to cooperate particularly actively with young people. These sectors include: social participation, climate and environment, just ...

2023-02-04T14:11:15+01:0028 March 2021|
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