European Commission action
A formal proposal to declare 2022 as the European Year of Youth was adopted on October 14, 2021. All young people can build a better, greener, digital and inclusive reality, and the adopted proposal is the first step towards a better future.
At the same time, the European Commission is also releasing the latest EU report on youth in terms of learning, their activity in local communities and career opportunities.
What’s in store for the European Year of Youth?
First and foremost, it’s about appreciating youth. The pandemic has taken away young people’s faith, strength and motivation. The cooperation of numerous communities will endeavor to bring new opportunities to young people, to spark them into action and convince them that they can do more, despite the difficulties they face these days.
Secondly, to encourage. Encourage all young people. Encourage active citizenship regardless of region, environment or social group. This is the only way positive change can occur. Learning about the needs and perceptions of young Europeans is the basis for taking the next steps for the benefit of young people in the broadest sense.
As part of the promotion of the European Year of Youth, it will also be important to implement NextGenerationEu, which will provide quality jobs and create space for self-education, personal and professional development.
The European Year of Youth, despite the planned activities and concrete steps in improving and expanding the prospects for young people in Europe, will be a year of inspiration. None other than young people will become the inspiration for conversations and further plans.
In addition, a special survey will be launched on the European Youth Portal in the coming days, and stakeholders will be able to submit their visions and ideas.
An expression of appreciation directed toward the youth is the statement of the Commission President. Ursula von der Leyen said:

The pandemic has deprived young people of many opportunities – meeting friends, meeting new people or experiencing and discovering new cultures. While we can’t give them back their lost time, we propose today to declare 2022 as the European Year of Youth. Whether on climate issues, social issues or digital development, young people are at the center of our policies and political priorities. We are committed to listening to their voices, as we are currently doing at the Conference on the Future of Europe, and we want to work together to shape the future of the European Union. A Union that is stronger when it takes into account the aspirations of our young people – based on values and bold in action.

Let these words, be an encouragement and motivation to engage for and by the young.
The report on youth issues can be found at the link below.