On December 6, 2021, from 3 to 4 p.m. Polish time, representatives of the Institute had the pleasure of participating in the Youth 2030 Briefing for Youth Networks event organized by the Office of the UN Special Representative for Youth and the International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organizations, which is a network of the world’s largest youth movements and regional platforms for developing their activities.

The conference was divided into several parts. The first described the general principles of young people’s action within the framework of the United Nations operation, as well as the importance of developing young people’s social participation. The second, which was the most elaborate, focused on the changes taking place over the past 3 years, comparing expectations with the real progress of the planned transformations, as well as the degree of their development when confronted with pandemic conditions. The last part included a brief summary and was devoted to questions from participants.

According to the survey results presented at the event, more than 130 UN Country Teams and 44 other units of the Organization, among which more than 150 young people have been involved, are working to carry out the planned activities in legal terms. This result was considered very satisfactory. Among the tasks that have been successfully completed so far are the creation of a High Level Steering Committee, working to create guidelines on strategies for implementing the planned implementations, as well as a Joint Working Group dealing with the more technical aspects of these activities.

The UN seems to have a good understanding of the needs of youth in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, responding quickly and accurately to the challenges it faces. The organization has made a clear commitment to integrating young people into the follow-up and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, it is involved in the coordination and implementation of numerous programs on youth development and protection. On the other hand, the report also identifies those aspects that need more attention. These include the need for greater focus on conscious and continuous tracking of the results of activities undertaken and resources available to youth, combined with appropriate analysis of their causes and effects. Moreover, one important issue also appears to be the need to focus on refreshing the regulation of internships and the hiring of young workers at the UN itself. Granting youth greater involvement in the Organization’s decision-making processes was also considered significant, considering the current situation insufficient and not allowing the voice of youth, which is currently too weak and in need of greater transparency, to be truly heard.